"A Complete Unknown" is a 2024 American biographical musical drama film directed by James Mangold, co-written with Jay Cocks, that delves into the transformative early years of legendary singer-songwriter Bob Dylan. The film is inspired by Elijah Wald's 2015 book, "Dylan Goes Electric!" and focuses on Dylan's evolution from a burgeoning folk artist to a revolutionary figure in rock music, culminating in his controversial electric performance at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival.
Set against the vibrant backdrop of New York City in 1961, the narrative follows a 19-year-old Bob Dylan, portrayed by Timothée Chalamet, as he arrives with his guitar and a unique talent poised to reshape American music. The film chronicles Dylan's rapid ascent within the Greenwich Village music scene, highlighting his interactions with iconic figures such as Joan Baez (Monica Barbaro) and Pete Seeger (Edward Norton). The storyline reaches its zenith with Dylan's groundbreaking and contentious decision to incorporate electric instruments into his music, a move that sent shockwaves through the folk community and signified a pivotal moment in his career.
Timothée Chalamet's portrayal of Bob Dylan has garnered widespread acclaim, with critics lauding his ability to capture the essence of Dylan's early persona. Chalamet not only embodies Dylan's physical mannerisms but also performs all the songs live, showcasing his proficiency with the guitar and harmonica. This dedication to authenticity adds a compelling layer to the film, allowing audiences to experience the raw energy of Dylan's performances.
The supporting cast delivers noteworthy performances, with Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez and Edward Norton as Pete Seeger, each bringing depth to their portrayals of these influential figures in Dylan's life. Their interactions with Chalamet's Dylan provide insight into the complex relationships and dynamics of the 1960s folk music scene.
Director James Mangold approaches the biopic with a focus on the impact of Dylan's genius on those around him, rather than a traditional cradle-to-grave narrative. This perspective offers a fresh take on the biographical genre, emphasizing the ripple effects of Dylan's artistic evolution within the music community. Mangold's direction ensures that the film not only tells Dylan's story but also captures the broader cultural shifts of the era.
The film's soundtrack plays a pivotal role, featuring 23 songs that reflect Dylan's musical journey during this period. Chalamet's live performances of these tracks add authenticity and immediacy to the film, allowing audiences to connect more deeply with the music that defined a generation. The decision to record the songs live on set, using period-appropriate microphones, contributes to the film's immersive quality and historical accuracy.
"A Complete Unknown" has received a spectrum of reviews from critics. Some praise the film for its meticulous craftsmanship and Chalamet's compelling performance, noting that he "radiates charisma" in his portrayal of Dylan.
However, others feel that while the film is well-executed, it may not fully capture the vivid energy of Dylan's groundbreaking era, suggesting that it "shears off vital details in the life of a colossal, complicated artist."